Habanero Cheeseburgers
1 lb 80/20 Ground Beef
2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
2 1/2 Tbsp Outer Limits Habanero Hot Sauce
1/2 Tbsp Granulated Garlic
1/2 Tbsp Granulated Onion
4 Hamburger Buns
4 Slices Pepper Jack Cheese
1 Tomato, Cut Into Thick Slices
Salt and Pepper
1. Place the ground beef into a bowl and add the Worcestershire, Hot Sauce, Granulated Garlic and Onion and some fresh cracked black pepper. Mix the meat up just until all ingredients are well incorporated.
2. Use your fingers to score the meat in the bowl with a plus sign, then take each section out one at a time and form into patties, use your thumbs to make a well in the center of each one(this will help keep it from shrinking during cooking). If you want a bigger burger divide the meat into thirds instead of quarters.
3. Right before cooking sprinkle some coarse salt on both sides of the burger patties. Cook the burgers either on a grill or a lightly buttered skillet. Shortly before the burger is cooked to your desired doneness top it with a slice of the cheese and close the lid of the grill(if cooking in a skillet put a spoonful of water in before putting the lid on to help the cheese melt faster and more evenly).
4. While the cheese is melting lightly toast your buns.
5. Assemble your burgers, place one burger onto each bun and top with a thick slice of tomato. Enjoy!
Note: I like the fresh tomato as the moisture in this recipe and forego ketchup or any other condiments on this burger to be able to fully appreciate the Habanero taste in the patty, but feel free to top with any condiment you like!